In our last blog, we shared great ways readers could get prepared for weather emergencies. If you have not already read our last article, read that, and come back right away. Today, we are sharing other ways you and your family can get prepared for weather emergencies.

In review:

Last time, we shared ways you could get prepared for weather emergencies. We shared the importance of being thorough while taking stock of what is in your house. That step is particularly important prior to evacuations where taking inventory might be impossible post-storm.

After taking pictures or video of all belongings and furniture, it is time to clear the yard. Being careful about outside items is essential and could prevent major property damage or death.

Clearing the yard:

Before a tropical storm or hurricane, store the following items inside of your home:

  • grills
  • patio furniture
  • bikes
  • plant pots
  • yard décor
  • glass or sharp items

Create a storm-safe neighborhood:

Moving loose items into the garage or inside the house, so they do not become litter down the road or in someone else’s yard. Elevate items in the garage and outside that will not react well if touched by saltwater.

Move an loose debris away from your home. This will hep prevent adding projectiles into storms. Check the storm drains near your home.

If they build up during heavy downpour, the water buildup can cause your house to flood. This can happen to homes that are lower than streets with drains or homes close to lakes and ponds. When you move into a new house, ask the neighbors how their house did during the last storms.

Brace all openings:

During hurricanes and big storms, often the garage door fails. In a rushed evacuation effort, homeowners usually stack sandbags on the exterior of their doors and windows but overlook the biggest entrance they have. If you can manage to brace the garage door from failing, it may keep the rest of the house from depressurizing experts say.

Similarly, windows and doors may be blown off once high winds hit. During a hurricane, n open hole in the house causes depressurization. This is when the calm air inside of your house meets the whirlwind on the outside of the house.

This can cause a house to collapse in. Before evacuating, close all interior doors as well. That seemingly insignificant step may reduce the overall pressure on the roof.

Come back next week as we share more simple ways you can protect yourself and your home from hurricanes and tropical storms. Call our trustworthy family owned business to discuss ways you can make your home storm-ready!

Staff Writer