Last time readers dropped by, they read some great first-time home buying tips. Now that you are back, we are sharing more tips to help guide buyers. Be sure to contact our office if you need quotes for electrical repairs or upgrades.

Get an electrician to find what’s hidden:

Here in Sanford, the housing market has been busy. Homes go up for sale and are sold within a day sometimes. Sanford Electric Company II is leaned on often to have all electrical questions answered.

To ensure you are buying a home in good shape, have an electrician come out to look at any issues that stand out. Dirty or burnt looking electrical outlets is a prime example of a top priority electrical repair.

If left unnoticed, this can start an electrical fire. It is especially important to get such an issue repaired promptly if the house is not going to be inhabited immediately.  There are other ways to protect your purchase, but first, let’s go over some good tips to avoid making a bad purchase.

If the price is too good to be true, spend a little bit of extra money on the home inspection. Look out for any hidden issues. Have infrared scanners and mold inspections.

Call the home’s insurance to verify the insurance claims. If a bathtub overflowed and there was no permitted jobs on the city’s records, this is a big red flag. In real estate, location is everything.

When a house is listed at more than ten thousand dollars less than other comparable homes, there is a good chance something expensive needs repair. While is may be possible the sellers simply need to sell the house as quickly as possible due to a new job or family reasons, the home may just simply be in bad condition.

Lean on your real estate agent for homes priced too low. Do your own research. Lastly, have an experienced electrician inspect for the home’s electrical systems.

Homes that need electrical repairs:

When homes sell every other year, it may be a coincidence or a sign of an unfixable fault. Thanks to many marketplace websites, buyers can now utilize these sites to recognize sketchy patterns. On popular sites such as Realtor, Zillow, or Opendoor, buyers can see when the house was listed on the market and when it last sold.

If the home was listed on the market multiples times and taken off the market after a few months, it could be a sign of issues being discovered during inspections. Although it may just be a good starter home size, it could be alluding to something deeper.

Come back next week as we share more tips for our lovely clients in Sanford looking to buy homes. We hope this has helped and look forward to helping you soon!

Be sure to wash your hands often, stay healthy, and keep a six feet distance away from sellers while touring homes. If the coronavirus has effected your ability to afford electrical repairs, call us to get a reasonable quote.

Staff Writer