In our recent series, we have been exploring the ins and outs of standby generators. As a Floridian, you know the value they hold during power outages. Today, we are sharing how they work, so you know how affordable Sanford generators effortlessly and safely supply power to your home during a storm.

Catching up:

Last week, we shared how a standby generator generally works. We dove a little deeper into explaining the engine size and how that relates to the energy load it can sustain. Today, we are jumping back into it.

As a quick review, readers learned the main key points of how a standby generator works for you and your loved ones. The steps are as follow:

  • Utility power is lost
  • Generator automatically detects an issue
  • Standby generator automatically turns on
  • Electricity is automatically restored

An ATS, or automatic transfer switch, chooses the home’s power source. Once the utility power meets acceptable standards, the automatic transfer switch selects utility power. When the power quality becomes inadequate, in other words a power outage, the generator controller starts the engine.

Affordable Sanford Generators:

The generator controller gives the engine a few seconds to stabilize and signals the ATS to switch the power source to the home standby generator. This is how the magic happens without you having to lift a finger! Talk about peace of mind.

During the process of switching the generator power, the automatic transfer switch automatically isolates the home from electricity utility lines. This step actually prevents even utility workers from being in danger. It also prevents generator overloads as well as protects the generator from the return of utility current.

Basically, it is extremely safe for your home, people, and prevents itself from being damaged. When the generator controller determines that that utility power has returned back to acceptable levels and remains stabilized, the controller signals the ATS to switch back to utility power.

From there, the controller prepares the generator for shutdown by operating a cooling cycle. In other words, the generator not only turns itself on when it is needed even without being used for months, but it also turns itself off once utility power is stable and available again.

Standby generators features:

Certain transfer switches include power management features. This allows a smaller and more fuel-efficient generator to supply power to additional appliances by managing which appliances should run with top priority. For example, if two air conditioners try to run at the same time, the power manager can force the second one to wait until the first completes its cycle.

Speak with your experienced, local electricians about when you can have you peace of mind in your home or business. Remember to take notes of codes and regulations. Safety protocols usually require generators to be at least five feet away from any openings such as windows, doors, and vents.

Your electricians will guide you on the perfect spot for installation. Wind, distance, and engine size must be taken into careful consideration. Wouldn’t it be amazing to continue on cooking dinner during a power outage? Call Sanford Electric Company II for your standby generator installation options!

Staff Writer